We often hear ” Eat your Greens” but we reckon you ” Eat your reds, blues and pinks too!” Jump onto the Antioxidant Squad with Farm2Fam!

Co-founder, Keya Salot broke away from her lucrative lawyer’s job to pursue her dream. The dream? To become a sustainable urban farmer. But it’s not the farming that you imagine! At Farm2Fam, we provide support to the local farmers and grow farm fresh, antioxidant packed berries without any residues, to ensure to you get the only the berry best produce all year-round. By doing so, we provide you the benefits of eating the best quality international berries, grown locally.

The foundation of good health and glowing skin, these Berry warriors are all set to keep you radiant with every bite.

So get ready to get snacking fruitfully with a box full of deliciousness.

Think Berry! Think Farm2Fam

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